Lying in Wait
Penn Stone creates tabloid-worthy stories by luring former lovers
to grisly deaths. Stories are the hallmark of civilization. So when he manipulates and kills, he does it for the sake of civilization. Besides,
it’s fun.
Beautiful, witty, and damaged, by the unspeakable things done to
her when she was abducted at age eleven, Lucinda McConnell
seems the perfect victim. To break her will, Penn expertly plays out
a twisted scenario, but no longer the defenseless victim, she has
other ideas.
Anticipated Praise:
"Lucinda McConnell is the hottest heroine since Eurydice. Penn Stone is the most thrilling psychopath since Caligula."
- Sir Reginald Asquith professor of classical studies at Balliol College Oxford
"Lying in Wait does for psychopaths and victims of sexual abuse what Moby Dick did for whales."
- Ishmael Jones PhD chairman of Cetology Department Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
"Psychological perceptiveness on steroids. Bobby Bonds Funniest book on sexual abuse ever written."
- Elena Thompson head librarian Library of Congress
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